
MCIC is a proud member of the following networks

inter-council network provincial and regiional councils for international cooperation

The Inter-Council Network (ICN) is a coalition of the eight Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation. These independent member-based Councils are committed to global social justice and social change, and represent over 350 diverse civil society organizations from across Canada. The ICN provides a national forum in which the Councils collaborate for improved effectiveness and identify common priorities for collective action. Rooted in communities across Canada, we are leaders in public engagement at a local and regional level, and we are recognized for bringing regional knowledge and priorities to the national level.
MCIC is a contributing council of the ICN. Click here to learn more about the ICN.

The other provincial and regional councils that make up the ICN are:

Cooperation Canada

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Since 1968, Cooperation Canada (formerly known as the Canadian Council for International Cooperation) has brought together more than 90 organizations working in the international development and humanitarian sector. Cooperation Canada advocates for these groups by convening sector leaders, influencing policy and building capacity, bringing together partners both inside and outside Canada to build a world that’s fair, safe, and sustainable for all.

Canadian Fair Trade Network

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The Canadian Fair Trade Network coordinates a network of engaged civil society advocates and volunteers, along with business, institutional, and government leaders, in building a robust social movement that works to advance the values and vision of fair trade.

Canadian Community Economic Development Network

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The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is a national member-led organization committed to strengthening Canadian communities by creating economic opportunities that enhance social and environmental conditions.