Educator and Student Awards
Cover photo: Outstanding Take Action Award winners stand together.
Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now open!
Global Citizenship Awards
Outstanding Take Action Project Award
MCIC’s Outstanding Take Action Project Award recognizes students in Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability (40S) who have undertaken exceptional Take Action Projects. All students that complete Take Action Projects are encouraged to apply.
The award includes a cash prize, a certificate and public recognition at MCIC’s Annual General Meeting and your school’s award celebration night.
The application process is to both first and second-semester students participating in the course.
Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now open!
Apply for the Outstanding Take Action Award
Winners will be selected based on the criteria below. Applicants must complete the online application which requires them to explain the following:
- Summary of project
- Concept
- Eg: What was the main objective of your project? How did you carry it out?
- Scope and range of project
- Eg: Who did/will the project reach? How many people were/will be involved or influenced?
- Content
- Eg: How does the topic relate to the Areas of Inquiry? How did/will the project educate, inform, or raise awareness of an issue?
- Personal benefit
- Eg: What did you learn from doing this project/about the issue/about your community?
Please note students who are completing their Take Action Projects in the second/final term are eligible based on the same criteria, reasonably describing any aspects of the project that may not be completed by the application due date.
To be considered for this award, applicants must:
- be enrolled in and successfully complete Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability (40S) in the 2024-2025 school year. Students enrolled in second term must be expected to successfully complete the course by their teacher.
- be graduating from a Manitoba school in June 2025 or returning to study at a Manitoba school in September 2025
- be a resident of Manitoba and
- complete and submit this application
Up to four (4) prizes of $250 will be awarded in June 2025. Individuals and groups may apply. One (1) monetary prize will be awarded per winning project; all winners will receive the “Outstanding Take Action Project Award” recognition and certificate. Applications are due by Friday, May 30th, 2025.
Please contact our Education Specialist at youth@mcic.ca or 204-987-6420 with any questions or comments.
Global Citizenship Award for Educators
The Global Citizenship Award for Educators is a MCIC initiative to recognize Manitoba teachers and administrators who have been leaders in promoting global citizenship. Awards will be given to one recipient in each of the following categories: middle years teachers, high school teachers and administrators (including principals, vice principals, superintendents, trustees and other divisional or Manitoba education staff).
A donation will be made on behalf of each recipients to a charity of their choice and they will be recognized at MCIC’s Annual General Meeting. If desired, a representative of MCIC will be available to present the award at a school event in spring 2025.
Selection Process
Nominations for the 2024-25 school year are now open.
Step 1: Nominations may be submitted by colleagues (other teachers or administrators).
Step 2: Nominees will receive a copy of the nomination and may be asked to provide additional information and verification.
Step 3: Nominations will be reviewed by a committee of educators and international development organization staff to select award recipients.
Step 4: Winners will be contacted by MCIC. Nominations are due by Friday, May 30th, 2025.
Selection Criteria
Application assessment will be based on the following criteria:
- extent to which the educator demonstrates active global citizenship;
- extent to which the educator demonstrates leadership and helps to develop leadership in others;
- extent to which the educator supports global citizenship efforts by others;
- impact of the educators work on the school, division, community or world.
Both work within the school or school division as well as work at the community, provincial, national and international levels are eligible.
- Nominees must be current staff or elected officials at a Manitoba educational institution, school division or Manitoba Education.
- Please note, previous winners of the Global Citizenship Award are not eligible for nomination.
Please contact our Education Specialist at youth@mcic.ca or 204-987-6420 with any questions or comments.
Key Descriptors
Active Global Citizenship: A global citizen understands that his/her actions have an impact here and around the world. Active global citizenship means taking action to build a more just and sustainable world, and may include:
- Education for Sustainable Development initiatives
- Supporting student-led initiatives
- Making connections between the classroom and non-profits or charities with a global focus
- Working on public awareness campaigns
- Creating learning resources
- Personal lifestyle/consumer choices
- Work on policy or institutional changes
- Advocacy or campaigning for change within community, provincial, national or international institutions
- Working with elected leaders to promote positive change
- Fundraising for non-profits or charities with a global focus
- Volunteering with an organization with a global focus
Leadership: Leadership means taking initiative to support and promote global citizenship. Leadership may be demonstrated through a formal position (eg: a principal setting a school policy) or an informal position (eg: teacher acting as a role model for others).
Supports efforts by others: An educator who supports others’ global citizenship efforts uses his/her position to give resources, credibility or time to global citizenship initiatives of other staff, students or community members.