Travel Safe

“no one puts their children in a boat / unless the water is safer than the land” - Warsan Shire, "Home"

Travel Safe is a new art project by local artist Darcy Ataman to support and raise awareness on the response to refugees and displaced persons. The installation was inspired by Nilüfer Demir’s 2015 photograph of two-year-old Alan Kurdi and is comprised of the shoes of approximately 3,000 refugees and internally displaced peoples from 25 countries.

Maysoun speaks at a podium during the launch event

Learn more about Travel Safe

Travel Safe will be open to the public until Monday, September 23rd, 2024. Visit it outside of the Burton Cummings Theatre, 364 Smith St., Winnipeg. Connect with others online using #TravelSafeArt.

Travel Safe has been supported by a dedicated coalition of organizations, including MCIC. Our hope is that Travel Safe helps break down stereotypes and inspire action towards this important cause.

For information on booking a workshop, becoming a donor, educational materials or to request the installation at your site, please visit

Wide view of the art installation hidden under orange tarpsTravel Safe partners:

Canadian Council for Refugees
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
N.E.E.D.S Inc
The University of Winnipeg, Global College
Winnipeg School Division 1
Women 4 Women of South Sudan
World Vision Canada

Photo Credit

Top photo: Maysoun speaks at the Travel Safe launch event in Winnipeg about her personal experiences. Photo by Dave Swiecicki.

Second photo: Travel Safe art installation before the unveiling in Winnipeg. Photo by Dave Swiecicki.

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