Making Data Collection Meaningful

Organized by Spur Change in collaboration with MCIC, and facilitated by Natalie Zend (ZENDialogue), this online workshop offers a practical, hands-on experience for participants to dive into:

  • planning for data collection,
  • gender-sensitive, feminist and community-led approaches to data collection,
  • technology for data collection, and
  • how to adapt data collection in an age of disruption.

In the end, you will leave with practical ideas, new M&E friends and more enthusiasm, skills and tools for ensuring your data collection is easy, empowering and impactful.


Final date to register: October 11, 2024

Natalie Zend headshotNatalie Zend

Natalie is a Certified Training and Development Practitioner and a UNICEF Results-Based Management (RBM) Master Trainer. An IAF™ Certified Professional Facilitator, she has extensive training in facilitation methods, including facilitating participatory monitoring and evaluation.

Natalie has designed and facilitated 4- to 5-day Human Rights Based Approaches and RBM workshops for Global Affairs Canada staff and partners as well as UNICEF, in English, French and Spanish, and co-authored UNICEF’s corporate RBM handbook. She has supported numerous international development organizations in the field application of RBM tools and methods, through coaching, facilitation and process and systems design.

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