Funding for International Projects
Cover photo: A community health worker examines a woman's eye health in India; photo courtesy of NorQuest College and Opperation Eyesight India.
Funding for Members
Development Fund
The Development Fund supports projects that improve all areas of individual and community life in the Global South. Through the work of MCIC member agencies and their local partners, these projects are part of a long-term development process, rooted in a commitment to empowerment and self-determination for all people. All projects are reviewed by MCIC’s Overseas Project Committee and MCIC’s Board of Directors.
- Applicants must be MCIC members in good standing and projects must align with MCIC’s guiding principles.
(Please see the funding guide for more information in all eligibility criteria)
Funds Available:
- Total amount for all projects: $950,000
- Allocations are based on the relative amount of money agencies raise in Manitoba for their international development and relief work.
- Fund available per project: $6,500 base – $130,000 maximum
Matching Ratio:
- Applicants must match MGMGP funds with your organization’s funds on at least a 1:1 ratio.
Dates & Deadlines:
- The annual deadline for applications is October 15 by 11:59 pm (Central Standard Time).
- Funding Guide & Forms
Application Form for Single and First Year Projects (use this form if you are applying for a single year project or if this is the first year of a multi-year project): Word doc | PDF
Application Form for Second and Third Year Projects (use this form if this is the second or third year of your multi-year project): Word doc | PDF
Budget Template:
Reporting Templates
Theme Fund
The Theme Fund encourages MCIC member organizations to take a broader view of development projects by responding to current issues of international concern. A new theme is selected every two years. The Theme Fund is awarded via a competitive process. All projects are reviewed by MCIC’s Overseas Project Committee and MCIC’s Board of Directors.
- Applicants must be MCIC members in good standing and projects must align with MCIC’s guiding principles.
(Please see the funding guide for more information in all eligibility criteria) - The project should align with the current theme. If the project does not align with the theme, the committee will not consider the project for funding.
Funds Available:
- Total amount for all projects: $ 50,000 (base) + any unused amount from the other three funding streams.
- MCIC will consider funding requests up to $20,000 per project.
Matching Ratio
- There is no requirement to provide matching funds for the project.
Dates and Deadlines:
- The deadline for applications is, without exception, on January 31st 2025 by 11:59 pm (Central Standard Time).
- The project start date must be within MCIC’s current fiscal year (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025).
- Theme Fund projects are funded on a year-to-year basis.
Funding Guide and Forms
- Funding Guide: Theme Funding Guide 2024-25
- Theme Fund Concept Note Form: Word doc | PDF
- Budget Template
Reporting Templates
- Final Narrative Report Template: Word doc | PDF
- Financial Report Template - Single Year
Relief and Rehabilitation Fund
The Relief and Rehabilitation Fund responds to relief situations following natural or human-caused disasters in which basic life or health is threatened. The primary purpose of this fund is to bridge the gap between the disaster and the continuation of long-term development. All projects are reviewed by MCIC’s Relief and Rehabilitation Committee and MCIC’s Board of Directors.
- Applicants must be MCIC members in good standing and projects must align with MCIC’s guiding principles.
- Eligible projects must be in response to a specific disaster where the primary objective is not long-term development.
(Please see the funding guide for more information in all eligibility criteria)
Funds Available
- Total amount for all projects: $120,000
- R&R project requests to MCIC are usually in the range between $10,000 and $25,000 per project.
Matching Ratio:
- Applicants must match MGMGP funds on at least a 1:3, organization to MGMGP ratio.
Dates & Deadlines:
- Funding must begin to be applied to a project within the fiscal year you are applying (MCIC’s fiscal year is April 1 – March 31).
- There is no specific deadline for Relief and Rehabilitation projects.
Funding Guide & Forms
Reporting Templates
Funding for Non-Members
Community Solidarity Fund
The Community Solidarity Fund is designed to make small grants available to Manitoba not-for-profit community-based organizations involved in development projects overseas. All projects are reviewed by MCIC’s Community Solidarity Fund Committee and MCIC’s Board of Directors.
Join an online information session for Fall intake 2024-25 to learn about the application process and gain insight into how to write a successful proposal for the Community Solidarity Fund.
- The fund is available to organizations that are affiliate or nonmembers of MCIC.
- Applicants to the CSF must be Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registered charities or have special status under CRA to received funding.
- In the case of an organization that is not a CRA registered charity or does not have special status under CRA to receive funding, the organization may partner with an eligible charitable organization, what we call the Sponsoring Organization.
- Groups cannot apply to the CSF two years; subsequent applications are possible, but NOT in consecutive years.
(Please see the funding guide for more information in all eligibility criteria)
Funds Available:
- Total amount for all projects: $80,000
- Organizations can apply for up to $6,000 per project if it is for a first-time applicant. An organization applying for subsequent proposals may apply for $6,000, and up to $8,000 upon providing $2,000 as a match.
Matching Ratio:
- There is no requirement to provide matching funds for the project as a first-time applicant. However, successful returning applicants can apply for more than the base amount of $6,000, if they are able to provide a match. They can apply for the base amount, and for every $1 an organization provides, MCIC will match it up to a maximum of $2,000.
Dates and Deadlines:
- There are two times of year for submission. One on the spring and another on the fall. The submission deadline will be announced during the information sessions and will be posted on MCIC website.
- The deadline for the current round of Community Solidarity Fund applications is Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 5:00 pm.
Funding Guide & Forms
Reporting Templates
Photo credit:
Top photo - The Excel Empowerment Centre, Sewing Skills for Women and Girls, South Sudan
Bottom photo - Together Building Africa, UZIMA! (LIFE!), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)